Wednesday, November 9, 2011 Under Construction

The website is underway!  Here is a screenshot of what is happening so far!  Things are being tweaked and added and I am chit-chatting right now with one of our great "IT" guys so we can get this ready for the public ASAP!  Hold on tight folks!  This roller coaster is about to leave the station!

-Jenny Em

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Visit to Laura's Hope Rescue

 Yesterday the Animal Hugs Team went on a field trip to see Laura's Hope Rescue!  What a fantastic day!  Lots of plans in the making, pictures, videos and some great dogs!  I will be busy editing the next few days!  We learned about their clothing closet project, Romys Place, which offers free clothing to those in need by means of donations from the community.  They are also cooking 10 (YES 10!!) Thanksgiving Dinners to be delivered to homes this holiday season.  Laura's Hope is such much more than just an animal rescue, they are a complete community rescue!  Everyone should follow their example and do more for your neighbor!  What a great world it would be if everyone did so much!

Don't forget that we still have the Pampered Chef Fundraiser for Laura's Hope that is ending this week.  20% of the sales go to help fund their projects.  And you can also pick up some great Christmas Gifts!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Were YOU in the paper today?!

Check out this great story about Laura's Hope Rescue and Pilots N Paws Pet Rescue Services!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fundraiser for Laura's Hope Rescue!

Meet Laura's Hope Rescue!  Animal Hugs and Mattyvision are promoting a fundraiser for this local animal
rescue to help raise funds for their rescue and fostering programs!  After you watch this video from Picnic in the Park this year, head on over to our fundraiser page!  Pampered Chef has great products that are guaranteed!  Now that it is getting cold, the grills are being packed up to wait for next summer!  Stock up on some great cooking items!  20% of all sales will go to Laura's Hope Rescue!  Head on over to Facebook and like their page as well!  Laura's Hope Rescue

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here's to the second year.

I love RIT. I love the people here, I love the random things I find, and I love photographing them.

This young man's voice was beautiful and his expression was so passionate. I wish I could show this kind of love for what I do on my face.

I have a love-hate relationship with flare (circles of light), and this is an example of times I love it. I'm not sure if this man was just a care-taker for these dogs or if he actually needed them, but the fact that the dogs are the center of interest and the man's face is completely obliterated by flare seems so juxtapositional and significant, and I am very pleased.

Stunning drag queen.

I tried to get the smoke from the grill perpendicular to the jet-line in the sky with the people and sundial for added interest. This photo is proof that I will stop and drop to the pavement anywhere at any time in front of anyone to get a decent shot. This is passion.